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April 5, 2024
Dpinder Singh
Beat the Heat: The Importance of Recharging
As the days get longer, the sun shines brighter, many of us look forward to the
excitement summer brings us. Traveling for vacations and outdoor adventures is not
always the topic of discussion. Alongside it brings us the scorching heat, days of
dehydration, and moments of exhausted energy. Especially if you are on a roadtrip with
your family or friends, while your car starts to become a portable sauna. That is why the
importance of recharging your A/C can be crucial in these moments. It can cause a
change in comfort and potentially your health.
Comfortability: Driving with the windows down and music blasting with the sun shining
is one of the core moments we experience as people. But what happens when that
outside air is no longer comfortable, it slowly starts to be hot and tolerable. Your steering
wheel is hot, and if you have leather seats and wearing shorts, it begins to stick to your
skin. And your only thought is hoping the metal clip on your seat belt does not graze
your hand. You close your windows and turn on your A/C only to be unsatisfied. You
start thinking to yourself, ugh I should’ve listened to that one article I read and got my
A/C recharged.
Safety: In those heated moments, the Sun’s UV Rays shine so bright and hard your
interior feels like the inside of a volcano. These high temperatures can lead to
dehydration or heatstroke. Potentially even fatigue. All of which are extremely
dangerous inside or outside of a car. You don’t want to be operating a 2 ton pound of
machinery and potentially risk your life or those around you.
Peace of Mind: Your A/C compressor is the heart of your A/C system. When you get
sick, your heart pumps your body with white blood cells and begins to work overtime,
your blood pressure rises and you begin to get so hot, you might even catch a fever.
The same goes for your A/C system. If your A/C is not blowing cold air, or mediocre cold
air, it causes your A/C compressor strain and stress forcing it to work harder than it
should. This can result in malfunctioning of certain components which can lead to a high
cost in repairs. Getting your A/C recharged can help you and your mechanic so he can
check your system and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Environmental Concerns: When an A/C system is charged, a machine sends a
cooling agent called refrigerant, into the system. This refrigerant has ozone-depleting
properties which affect and harm the environment. If your vehicle leaks refrigerant, it will
cause your A/C to not blow cold air, which results in sweaty summers, extremely high
water consumption for heat compensation, and harming the environment. Everybody
wants to be green, get your A/C recharged.
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